Gardener Guilty of Assault in Herefordshire: Attack Follows Ex-Partner’s Threat

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Gardener Admits Assault on Ex-Partner in Herefordshire

A gardener from Herefordshire, known as Guy Ingram, is set to face the legal repercussions of his actions. According to our sources, Mr. Ingram, 36, was found guilty of assaulting his former partner in her residence on July 11 after a heated fight over past incidents.

The Conflict and Assault

The argument was sparked when the ex-partner threatened to notify Mr. Ingram’s current girlfriend about their latest sexual escapades. Despite his rejection of these claims, it was noted that Mr. Ingram reacted tumultuously, pushing his ex-partner onto a bed, injuring and berating her before hurriedly leaving the premises. Regrettably, the victim, who was identified to be in a susceptible state, sustained physical harm in the tumult.

Confession and Legal Proceedings

The gardener, who resides in Tenbury Wells, admitted to the charges of assault at the Hereford Magistrates’ Court on February 21, owning up to his deeds. The indictment consisted of assault by beating, subsequent to a decade-long relationship with the victim.

Current Relationship Status and Mr. Ingram’s Character

Interestingly, despite the gruesome incident, it appears that both parties involved have found a way to maintain a cordial relationship. As per our source’s information, Mr. Ingram has been actively helping his victim in household tasks, such as recently assisting her as she moved houses, and even encouraging her in her academic ambitions.

A man devoid of past convictions, those who know Mr. Ingram define his character as generally upright. He, on his part, has argued that this isolated act of assault was triggered by the impending jeopardy to his new relationship.

Sentencing and Pending Sanctions

While he awaits the court’s verdict, Mr. Ingram was released on bail with no conditions laid out. This case has posed a significant hindrance to his professional life as a seasonal gardener, especially considering that his work opportunity dwindles during the winter season.


The court now holds Mr. Ingram’s fate, as he waits to learn the legal penalties for his admitted act of assault. The case serves as a strong reminder that actions have consequences, even if provoked under stressful circumstances.


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