Bishop Jeche’s Trial Stalled: Defense Seeks Constitutional Court Referral Over Health Concerns

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Bishop Jeche’s Trial Delayed: Questions Over Mental Fitness Arise

Controversy Surrounds Businessman Bishop Jeche’s Trial

Our sources have confirmed that businessman and East River Investment property manager, Bishop Jeche is embroiled in allegations of fraud and perjury related to a housing transaction. The defense phase was initially scheduled to kick-off last Friday but has been postponed due to concerns over Jeche’s mental fitness for trial.

Medical Experts Testify: Jeche Unfit for Trial

Prominent medical professionals, including Psychiatrist Dr. Anesu Isabel Chinoperekwei and Dr. Charles Nyamukachi, were called to give their expert medical opinion on Jeche’s mental state. The doctors concluded that Jeche’s dementia and depression could potentially hinder his memory and ability to engage effectively at the court proceedings, sparking controversy in the courtroom.

Defense and State Clash Over Jeche’s Fitness to Face Trial

Despite the medical testimony, Magistrate Mr. Hoseah Mujaya (retired), urged by the State, ordered the defense to begin immediately. This decision prompted strong opposition from Jeche’s lawyer, Mr. Admire Rubaya, who maintained that his client’s right to a fair trial was effectively undermined if he could not participate fully due to his present condition.

Court Decision: Hear Witnesses First

Though the court was heavily weighted with conflicting views, it was eventually decided that witnesses from both the defense and the State would be heard before taking a call on whether to refer the case to the Constitutional Court. Accordingly, the trial is set to proceed on March 20.

Alleged Fraud: The Case Against Jeche

The case traces back to an incident in August 2009. The State asserts that Jeche was conned into a shady loan agreement by another party, Stephen Leonard Nyoka. This caused Nyoka to lose his house, which was estimated to be worth $130,000, while no recovery was made.

Anna Parker

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