Canadian Manufacturers Aim for Gender Parity: 100,000 Women in Sector by 2030

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Boosting Female Presence in Manufacturing: An Urgent Priority

The widely attended forum organized by our sources in the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) concluded recently, shedding light on the central focus of boosting female representation in the manufacturing industry. Prioritizing training, benefits, and a flexible work environment were among the critical strategies discussed over three days to attract and retain female talent in manufacturing companies.

Current State of Women in Manufacturing

According to the data we gathered, the representation of women in the manufacturing sector is indeed improving, but there’s plenty of ground yet to cover. Today, women make up over 29% of the workforce in manufacturing, a percentage that has not been seen in the past four decades. Despite this progress, it is a far cry from the gender parity observed in the overall Canadian workforce. Hence, the industry is still marked by an urgent need to deal substantively with this disparity.

Acknowledgement from CME’s Chief Executive

Dennis Darby, the Chief Executive of CME, acknowledged this ongoing hurdle in enhancing female representation in the sector. He made it clear that attracting more women into the fold of manufacturing jobs isn’t just an option, but a necessity. Therefore, efforts must be accelerated to close the gender gap in this crucial industry.

Future Goals for Women in Manufacturing

The organisation has raised the bar by setting an ambitious target. CME aims to see at least 100,000 women holding manufacturing jobs by the close of this decade. Achieving this objective would mean women constituting a third of the total workforce in manufacturing, substantially driving up the percentage from where it currently stands.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the three-day forum hosted by CME emphasized a significant shift in manufacturing companies’ approach towards inclusivity. If the industry wants to attract and retain more women, changes in its ecosystem are necessary. More focus on prioritizing training, flexibility, and benefits could provide the impetus to close the gender gap in Canadian manufacturing. The goal set by CME only reiterates the belief that with the right strategies and policies in place, the manufacturing industry can minimize the disparity and take a leap towards an equitable workforce.


Brielle, a dedicated and insightful author, contributes to ReaderWall's Education category with a passion for knowledge sharing. Her engaging writing style and expertise in educational topics create a compelling resource for readers seeking valuable insights and information. Explore Brielle's articles to enhance your understanding and stay informed in the ever-evolving landscape of education.