Female Entrepreneurs Transform Tech Sector: Deorah, Kapoor, Sharma, Saxena Lead Change

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Female Pioneers Shaping the Tech Sector

In the dynamic world of technology, an important and revitalizing transformation is taking place. This reform is highlighted by the growing influence and command of women entrepreneurs. The spotlight, on the occasion of Women’s Day, is on prominent personalities such as Smiti Bhatt Deorah, Meena Kapoor, Neeti Sharma, and Monika Saxena. These women are initiating changes and dismantling obstacles in a sector conventionally overshadowed by males.

Smiti Bhatt Deorah: Disrupting Employee Engagement

Smiti Bhatt Deorah, who holds the position of a Co-founder & COO at Advantage Club, shares her profound portfolio from Microsoft to lead a worldwide platform that concentrates on employee involvement and economic wellbeing. Her aim is to innovate and offer a new approach when it comes to employee engagement within corporate settings.

Meena Kapoor: Bringing Digital Astrology to the Forefront

Meena Kapoor, a pioneering figure and the Founder and Managing Director of Astroyogi, has utilized her expertise to create a place for herself in the world of digital astrology services, reaching a global audience. She takes her place among India’s first female tech entrepreneurs who embraced the potential of the dotcom era.

Neeti Sharma: Bridging the Skills Gap in India

Neeti Sharma, with the title of CEO at TeamLease Digital, brings to the table over three decades of substantial experience across different realms. Her dedication is towards creating a skilled generation in India, ready to take on the job market through a concentrated focus on skills development.

Monika Saxena: Tackling Climate Change and Financial Inclusion

Monika Saxena, the Chief Strategy Officer at Revfin, employs her versatile experience in sales, consultation, and executive coaching to foster projects that are intertwined with concerns of climate change and financial inclusion.

These pioneer women stand as symbols, signifying not just the shattering of conventional gender barriers but also their novel and diverse contributions to the tech world. Their work sends out clear messages revolving around empowerment, inclusivity, and sustainability – powerful themes that resonate within our society today.


As we celebrate the contributions of these amazing women, we’re reminded of the immense progress we have made and what more can be achieved. Their stories ignite optimism and pave the way for the future trailblazers in the tech sector.

Gina Torres

Gina Torres, an accomplished author in the realm of Agriculture, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to ReaderWall. With a passion for sustainable farming practices and environmental stewardship, Torres's insightful writings delve into the intricacies of modern agriculture, offering valuable insights and practical solutions for readers seeking a deeper understanding of the field. Explore her works to cultivate a greener future.