Consumer Trust in Biometric Data Security Crashes: Insights from GetApp’s 2024 Survey

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Decline in Public Trust for Biometric Technology, Survey Reveals

Our team, at The Reader Wall, based on a recent source, has discovered a marked decrease in consumer trust towards biometric technology. This significant decline is evident from a mere 5% of patrons demonstrating high trust in tech firms with regards to the protection of biometric details in 2024, seeing a stark downturn from 28% in 2022.

Faltering Confidence Across Various Biometric Technologies

The data gathered from a survey conducted with 1,000 consumers in 2024 underscores this dwindling confidence. This decreased trust concerns a range of biometric types, such as fingerprints, face scans, and voice scans. It’s driven by alarm over data breaches, wrongful use of data, identity theft, and reduction of privacy.

Questioning the Accuracy of Biometric Technologies

Moreover, the precision of biometric technologies is now subject to doubt by 63% of consumers, influenced by the instances of facial recognition misidentification particularly impacting communities of color and women. Despite pockets of support for facial recognition in security applications, a considerable majority advocate for its avoidance if reported to be biased. Notably, trust in its utilization for retail has seen a considerable slump.

The Influence of Generative AI on Data Sharing

The surge of generative AI in 2023 has intensified concerns around data sharing, with a noteworthy 85% of consumers exhibiting apprehension about sharing personal details with such tools.

Regulatory Focus on Biometric Data Collection

The regulatory inspection concerning biometric data collection is prominently on the rise in the U.S. Several states have passed laws that could levy substantial penalties on businesses seen to be non-compliant.

Summary of Key Findings

  • Consumer trust towards tech companies regarding biometric data safeguarding has dropped to 5% in 2024 from 28% in 2022.
  • Decreased overall trust in biometric technologies due to concerns of data breach, misuse of data, identity theft, and privacy reduction.
  • 63% of consumers now question the accuracy of biometric technologies, leading to decreased interest in facial recognition, especially in the retail sector.
  • Generative AI’s rise in 2023 heightened public concern relating to personal data sharing.
  • Regulatory focus on biometric data collection increases across U.S states, threatening non-compliant companies with significant penalties.

Meet Declan, an insightful author on ReaderWall specializing in Health. With a passion for promoting holistic well-being, Declan combines expertise in nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness to empower readers on their wellness journey. Explore Declan's engaging articles for expert advice and inspiration, fostering a healthier and happier lifestyle.