Etuh Jennifer Foundation Launches N2.5 Billion Health Centre in Cross River State

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A New Dawn in Nigeria’s Healthcare: The Jennifer Etuh Foundation Unveils Large-Scale Medical Facility

In a significant stride towards bringing dependable and accessible healthcare to rural communities in Nigeria, The Jennifer Etuh Foundation (JEF) recently unveiled a N2.5 billion medical hub in Ochon, a locality in the Obubra Local Government Area of Cross River State.

Attended By High Esteem Dignitaries

The grand project saw the participation and endorsement from high ranking and esteemed figures. Among them were the current Cross River State Governor Bassey Otu – represented by the State Health Commissioner Dr. Henry Ayuk, ex-governor Senator Liyel Imoke, as well as the foundation’s top brass, which includes Chairman Thomas Etuh, Vice-Chairman Pastor Sarah Omakwu and trustee Emmanuel Etuh.

Hello to Jennifer Etuh’s Living Memory

This medical facility stands as a living tribute to the late Jennifer Etuh who presided as the chairman’s wife. The foundation, named after her, has successfully constructed four similar establishments in the span of just two years. This initiative aligns with the foundation’s pledge to build robust health infrastructure across the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Springing from the inspiration of their late namesake, the Jennifer Etuh Foundation remains driven to bring healthcare within the reach of rural communities.

Support Beyond Verbal Promises

The Cross River State government has extended its support beyond verbal commitments to ensure the longevity of this facility. The government plans to include this facility within its state health insurance coverage framework. By upgrading the allocation for health from 6% to 13.5% in the 2024 budget, the government reflects its resolve to enhance health services.

Teamwork for Rural Upliftment

The foundation’s significant contribution towards rural development elicited praises from ex-governor Senator Liyel Imoke. He emphasized the importance of a collaborative approach to alleviate the woes of rural communities. As a high-quality facility, this establishment aims to accommodate the medical needs of communities in and around the council area. This move embodies the foundation’s dedication towards transforming healthcare penetration and accessibility.


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