South Korea: Lawmaker allegedly assaulted by 14-yr-old boy using a brick

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Teenager Attacks South Korean Politician: Police Investigation Underway

A bizarre incident was revealed earlier this week, when a 14-year-old boy attacked a South Korean lawmaker with a rock. The incident shocked the nation, triggering conversations about the toxic political climate and mental health. News comes from Reader Wall.

The Vicious Assault on Bae Hyunjin

The victim was identified as Bae Hyunjin, a member of the conservative party currently in power. The attack left everyone stunned and raised serious concerns about the aggressive political discourse currently affecting the country. Fortunately, the immediate medical attention received by Bae ensured she remained unhurt.

Discussed with the suspect boy’s parents, police investigators intend to continue the probe at a local hospital where the teenager has been admitted. The laws of South Korea allow the quarantine of suspects, for up to three days, provided there is consent by the police and doctors. Such arrangement is in place to avoid harm to themselves or others.

The boy’s health condition seems to be a factor in this emergency admission, however, no detailed clarification has been provided on the health status of the boy. It has been reported that he suffered from depression, shedding more light on the importance of mental health. Further extension of his stay at the hospital for treatment might be required, and this decision hinges on his parents’ consent.

The Investigation Continues

The police coordinated with Bae at the Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital where she was under medical observation. The blood-soaked apparel she was wearing during the attack was handed over to the police as evidence. The investigation, though, is ongoing and the motive behind the assault remains unclear.

Politics in South Korea: A Divided Nation

Bae, a trusted ally of President Yoon Suk Yeol, was elected in 2020. Both sides of the political spectrum have labeled the incident an affront to the country’s democracy, expressing their commitment to a thorough investigation. The heated political environment in South Korea, embittered by ideological, generational, and regional loyalties, is considered by many as a major contributor to these acts of violence.

However, despite the high tension surrounding South Korean politics, some contend that such hate acts can be attributed to the fervent politics which focuses on extreme supporters.

Other Attacks on South Korean Political Figures

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. South Korea, in recent times, has seen several other political figures fall prey to heinous assaults.

In 2022, an assault took place where Song Young-gil, the Democratic Party’s leader then, was attacked during a rally for Lee’s presidential campaign. Although Song managed to escape severe injury, he needed stitches.

Furthermore, back in 2006, another incident took place where an individual assaulted Park Geun-hye, a conservative opposition leader, using a box cutter at an election rally. The wounds were deep and required 60 stitches to heal them. Park was later elected president in 2012.

These incidents indicate the urgent need for a calm, and more respectful political environment, where differing viewpoints may be expressed without resorting to violence. Equally important is the acknowledgement and treatment of mental health issues, which appear to be a common thread in these atrocious acts.


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