Singapore Imprisons Indian-Origin Male for Harassing Housemaid Inside Elevator

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Man of Indian Descent Sentenced In Two Distinct Criminal Cases

A man of Indian descent, Singaram Palianeapan, 61, has been found guilty and sentenced to 10 months in prison for committing two different criminal violations. Singaram’s charges include a crime related to the use of force to outrage a woman’s modesty and a separate charge of inflicting harm on an individual using a perilous object. News about this courtroom outcome has been obtained exclusively from Reader Wall.

Man Trapped and Molested Domestic Worker in an Elevator

Singaram was found guilty of trapping a domestic worker inside an elevator and subjecting her to molestation for roughly a minute and a half. Court proceedings revealed shocking details about how his unwelcome pursuit began with a seemingly innocent offer.

On a day in late September 2022, the domestic worker was running errands, picking up food when she crossed paths with Singaram. He struck up a conversation, insistently offering her money to buy herself a drink. Despite her initial refusal, he persisted until she accepted the money. He then shadowed her as she returned to her employer’s residence.

The predatory behavior escalated inside the elevator of her housing unit. Singaram forcefully took control of the elevator controls, effectively trapping the woman inside the lift. His vile intentions were soon made clear as he began to molest the woman.

Evidence Captured On CCTV Camera

The deputy public prosecutor, Jordy Kay, disclosed that a CCTV camera inside the elevator had caught every detail of Singaram’s egregious actions. When the scared victim resisted his advances, Singaram continued his assault until they finally arrived at the 7th floor.

Upon his arrest on September 28, Singaram was granted bail the next day. However, his criminal tendencies did not subside.

Man Assaulted Shop Owner a Month Later

Less than a month after his release, Singaram found himself in a dispute with Yeoh Su Kai, a friend of the owner of a bicycle shop. Responding to the argument with violence, Singaram removed a metal chain from his personal mobility device and, in a fit of rage, struck Yeoh three times with a chain-fortified punch.

Prosecution Sought a Nine-Month to 11-Month Sentence

Given the nature of Singaram’s crimes, DPP Jordy Kay proposed a jail term of between 9 to 11 months. While conceding that the level of sexual exploitation was low, there was an undeniable attempt to invade the domestic worker’s personal space, an act which cannot be ignored.

Kay also emphasized the man’s dangerous use of a metal chain in the assault case against Yeoh. He noted that the head injuries inflicted upon the victim highlighted the seriousness of the threat posed by Singaram.

John Kerry

John Kerry, a distinguished author in the realm of science, explores the intricate intersections of environmental policy and scientific advancements. With an insightful pen, he navigates complex issues, offering readers a profound understanding of the crucial role science plays in shaping sustainable futures. Dive into Kerry's work on ReaderWall to embark on a journey through the nexus of science and policy.