“Sandhu was a key developer of India-US relations,” says USISPF President while bidding farewell to Indian ambassador.

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End of Substantial Career: Indian Ambassador to the US Steps Down After Four Years

News coming directly from the source of Reader Wall indicates that the Indian Ambassador to the United States, Taranjit Singh Sandhu, has reached the culmination of his four-year tenure in Washington. Mukesh Aghi, the President and CEO of the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF), praised Sandhu as a prominent figure in fostering the India-US relationship.

Momentous Diplomatic Career

Mukesh Aghi highlighted Ambassador Sandhu’s accomplishments, lauding him as one of the leading designers of the India-US alliance. He emphasized the necessity for adept diplomacy and wise statecraft in maintaining the sustainable partnership between Washington and New Delhi, marking it as one of the fundamental strategic associations of the 21st century.

Farewell Statement

In his eloquent farewell statement, Aghi described the departing Ambassador as one of New Delhi’s most exceptional diplomatic figures. Through his professional conduct, Ambassador Sandhu has brought his 35-year long diplomatic journey to a ceremonious closure. Aghi, with heightened sentimentality, applauded Sandhu’s commitment to the nation.

Deft Diplomacy and Sagacious Statecraft

Aghi reiterated how the relationship between Washington and New Delhi requires careful diplomacy and insightful statecraft. The valuable contribution of skilled and accomplished diplomats like Ambassador Sandhu is key. He acknowledged Sandhu’s expertise and dedication throughout his service, as he gained deep insight into the dynamics of US-India relations.

Challenges and Achievements

An impressive record of achievements has accompanied Ambassador Sandhu’s tenure, despite facing trying times, notably the COVID-19 pandemic. As per Aghi, Ambassador Sandhu not only guided Indian students back home during the pandemic but also worked persistently to solve visa issues for the diaspora, whilst simultaneously fortifying vaccine diplomacy.

  • Handling of the Quad Summit and Indo-Pacific Defense Partnerships
  • Reignition of the Trade Policy Forum
  • Advancement of the I2U2 and IPEF, thus solidifying bilateral relations in multilateral settings

Building a Strong Relationship amid Difficulties

US-India relations have always experienced their fair share of ups and downs. Aghi lauded Sandhu’s foresight in forming vital connections on Capitol Hill with lawmakers across the political spectrum during a phase of sanctions imposed by the Clinton Administration. Thanks to such efforts, the current relationship is marked by bipartisan support.

Sandhu’s Influence Beyond Politics

Sandhu has not only made diplomatic contributions but has also established significant bonds with the Indian diaspora in the US. He has touched the lives of many, from students to business leaders, and from entrepreneurs to the diaspora spread across the US, enabling each to have an ‘Ambassador Sandhu story.’

Retirement Reflections

Retirement allows for pondering over one’s career trajectory. Aghi expressed confidence that history would place Ambassador Sandhu among the most eminent of India’s emissaries to Washington, owing to his efforts to alter the contours of the relationship, the alliances he formed, his success in strengthening the strategic partnership, and his resilience and humility during both challenging and joyous times.


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