FAO NENA Conference Ends with Call for Gaza Ceasefire, Backs Strategic Framework for Food Security

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37th Regional Ministerial Conference for the NENA Region Concludes in Amman

The pivotal 37th Regional Ministerial Conference for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, organized and facilitated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), culminated in the release of a ministerial declaration in Amman, as reported by our sources. With a focus on actively transforming the agrifood systems in the region, this conference placed the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 and its flagship initiatives in the spotlight.

Promotion of Major FAO Initiatives

The central tenets of the conference revolved around prominent FAO initiatives, including the notable strategy “One Country One Priority Product,” the collaborative initiative “Hand-in-Hand,” and the forward-thinking concept of the “1000 Digital Villages.” These are designed with the objective of driving substantial improvements in the regional agrifood systems.

Appeal for Peace Amid Deteriorating Security Situation

In light of escalating tensions and the ensuing humanitarian crisis in several regions, the conference communicated a desperate plea for a ceasefire in Gaza. Echoing growing worldwide concern, participants underscored the chilling repercussions of the deteriorating security condition, including forced migrations, devastation of agricultural groundwork, and the looming threat of severe food insecurity potentially escalating into famine in Gaza, Sudan, Yemen, and the Syrian Arab Republic.

Linking Peace to Food Security

FAO Director-General QU Dongyu utilized the platform to strongly underline the inseparable connection between peace and food security. He assured the conference of FAO’s unwavering support for communities reeling under the impact.

Highlighting the Food Crisis in Gaza

The conference cast light on the dire state of food security in Gaza, where the entire population is grappling with acute food insecurity, and a worrying percentage are experiencing emergency or catastrophic conditions. The FAO’s role includes offering immediate relief and actively participating in recovery efforts.

Call for Funding

To support the aforementioned initiatives and recovery efforts, the conference attendees called for about $20 million in urgent funding.


The 37th Regional Ministerial Conference proved to be a sounding board for the gravest concerns facing the NENA region and a call to arms for the international community to provide financial and moral support to those affected. The focus remains, as ever, on the crucial role of food security in maintaining peace and stability in the region.


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