Conflicts explode in Maldives Legislature amid significant poll on President Muizzu’s Ministry

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Maldivian Parliament Disrupted Amid Cabinet Approval Dispute

Our sources reported a significant clash in the Maldivian Parliament on January 28, instigated by the ongoing dispute regarding the approval of four members of President Mohamed Muizzu’s cabinet. This disagreement has led to exchanges between pro-government MPs and opposition lawmakers.

Tension Erupts Ahead of Cabinet Voting

The leading Opposition group, the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), made the decision to withhold its endorsement for four cabinet members, causing tension ahead of the cabinet voting process. This decision provoked a heated reaction from pro-government MPs, obstructing parliamentary proceedings.

Incidents Resulting from the Clash

The reports chronicle a distinctive altercation between Kanditheemu MP Abdulla Shaheem Abdul Hakeem Shaheem and Kendhikulhudhoo MP Ahmed Easa, sparked when the former tripped and knocked the latter down. The incident incurred injuries for Mr. Shaheem. He was later taken to a hospital for an immediate treatment.

Further Disruption to Parliamentary Proceedings

The stand taken by MDP and The Democrats paralyzes the normal functioning of the Parliament, leading to the intervention of ruling party MPs from the Progressive Party of Maldives and People’s National Congress (PPM/PNC) coalition. They disrupted the session further by converging near the Speaker’s chair and engaging in a physical altercation.

Impact on Cabinet Voting

MDP, holding the majority in the Parliament, declined to approve Attorney General Ahmed Usham, Minister of Housing, Land and Urban Development Dr. Ali Haidar, Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Mohamed Saeed. Pro-government supporters and officials, in response, staged protests outside the parliament, calling for the approval of Cabinet Ministers.

Objections from the Ruling Coalition

The ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and the People’s National Congress (PNC) coalition raised objections to blocking parliamentary approval to President Muizzu’s Cabinet, viewing it as a hindrance to the government services offered to the citizens.

Cabinet Approval Issues Inflame Political Atmosphere Further

The stalled Cabinet approval has implications beyond just the parliamentary approval process. It has also led to the ruling PPM-PNC coalition to file a no-confidence motion against the Parliament’s Speaker Mohamed Aslam and Deputy Speaker Ahmed Saleem, citing the misuse of his official position to advance the interests of a specific party.

President’s Request to India

After being sworn in as the President of Maldives last year, President Muizzu, known for his pro-China stance, requested India to withdraw its military personnel from his country. The President justifies his request as being in line with the “strong mandate” given to him by the Maldivian people.


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  • Maldives
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