China Boosts Anti-Corruption Measures: 16,000 Charged in 2023

The Reader Wall Google News

Anti-Corruption Crusade Sweeps China

Throughout 2023, our sources observed an intensifying anti-corruption campaign in China. This resulted in charges against an estimated 16,000 individuals in connection with offences tied to their official duties. High-profile individuals indicted included 24 former officials who were once overseen by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. This data was provided by Shi Weizhong, a high-ranking member of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate.

Mitigating Bribery: A Key Agenda

The prosecutorial agencies leading the anti-corruption drive primarily focused on rigorous investigations and penal action for both bribe recipients and providers last year. They made transparency and accountability in official functions a cornerstone of the campaign.

Tackling Corruption in Essential Sectors

In a bid to extend their anti-corruption efforts, procuratorates broadened their scope to scrutinize sectors considered vital for the populace, such as healthcare, finance, and food and grains. By reinforcing transparency in these essential sectors, the authorities seek to ensure corruption-free service to the people.

Increase in Money Laundering Charges Linked to Corruption

Shi Weizhong has flagged a surge in corruption-related money laundering offenses being pursued. This aligns with the intensified drive against corruption and underpins the government’s promise to annihilate all forms of corruption and support a lawful society.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s fundamental beliefs on the Party’s self-improvement and the importance of advancing the party are well reflected in the country’s anti-corruption campaign. The campaign signifies significant strides and accomplishments in the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, as emphasised by a major speech delivered at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

As the anti-corruption crusade in China continues, the nation remains steadfast in studying and integrating General Secretary Xi Jinping’s crucial thoughts on the Party’s self-improvement, embedding these ideas into every phase of the all-encompassing and strict control of the Party.


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