Beijing amplifies martial force on Taiwan post U.S., China unveil discussions

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Military Tensions Rise between China and Taiwan

According to reports from Taiwan’s defense ministry, China dispatched a fleet of over 30 warplanes and several naval vessels toward Taiwan recently. The news comes from our source, Reader Wall.

Increased Military Pressure Amid Cooling Tensions

This escalation of military pressure follows news that senior representatives from the U.S and China were set to convene in the Thai capital. The purpose of this meeting is to alleviate brewing tension between the two superpowers.

Composition of China’s Military Fleet

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army reportedly dispatched a fleet consisting of 33 warplanes, which includes SU-30 fighters, and six naval vessels towards Taiwan, from early Friday to Saturday morning. Out of these, 13 warplanes flew across the midline of the Taiwan Strait, an informal boundary viewed as a buffer between the mainland and the island. Taiwan has been closely watching the situation, deploying its resources in response to the activities.

Chinese Discontent with Taiwanese Political Activities

China, which views Taiwan as part of its territory, has shown discontent in recent times over political activities in Taiwan, which it commonly expresses through military shows of force. Following the recent election of Lai Ching-te as the latest president of the self-governing island, six Chinese balloons showed up either over Taiwan or within the airspace to its north.

US-China Relations Amid Rising Tensions

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi were both in Bangkok for talks around that time. The timing or occurrence of the meeting wasn’t clarified at the time. Against a backdrop of economic and geopolitical disputes, US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping previously held a meeting at a summit in November, in a bid to salvage strained relations. Following a similar line of intention, the scheduled talks in Bangkok reflect the commitment of both leaders to “maintain strategic communication and responsibly manage the relationship,” as per US National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson.

China’s Stand on Taiwan and Heightening Global Concerns

During these discussions, Foreign Minister Wang was expected to clarify China’s stand on Taiwan and US-China relations, along with addressing global and regional concerns, according to ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin. Tensions in the Red Sea, affecting global trade and causing many shippers to avoid the Suez Canal, were among immediate international concerns for both countries. Beijing confirmed its continuous efforts to de-escalate the situation that has seen Iran-backed Houthi rebels attacking international ships.


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