American Female Detained For Abusing, Slaughter Animals Online On YouTube For Approval

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Woman Arrested for Torturing and Killing Animals Live on YouTube

A woman named Anigar Monsee, 28 years old, from Pennsylvania, United States, has been apprehended for reportedly subjecting animals to torture and eventual death, in a bid to gain more followers on her YouTube channel. This news originated from the sources of Reader Wall. She reportedly admitted to the barbaric act involving animals like chickens, pigeons, rabbits, and frogs.

YouTube Livestreams: A Front to Torture

Monsee, who boasts of around 20,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel, is said to have posted four livestream videos where she showed animal mistreatment and mutilation. The chief of Upper Darby Police, Timothy Bernhardt, voiced his disgust stating, “It’s just barbaric. It’s inhumane that someone could do that” in news reportedly hailing from Reader Wall.

A Disturbing Series of Events

As per the information attained from Reader Wall, one of Monsee’s recent videos, referred to as “Cooking Lucky”, was quite unsettling. It showcased Monsee cutting a chicken’s neck while the animal struggled to escape. She shared the video just before her capture. Commenting on her live streams, Timothy Bernhardt mentioned how she would often egg on her viewers for likes prior to inflicting harm on the animals.

Unearthed Evidence of Numerous Acts of Cruelty

Several other videos have allegedly emerged showing Monsee torturing various other animals. In one, she is seen plucking a live pigeon before subjecting it to scalding water and ultimately decapitating it. Another video reveals her torturing a rabbit with a dull knife. Monsee has been charged with four felony counts of aggravated cruelty to animals following the exposure of these heartbreaking videos.

Investigations Underway

The local law enforcement revealed that the tip-off leading to the investigation and eventual arrest of Monsee originated from the animal rights group, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Authorities are currently investigating to determine if there were other individuals involved in the creation of these disturbing videos. Monsee has been detained with her bail set at $200,000.

The Aftermath: A Call for Protection

PETA representative Kristen Rickman spoke about the incident saying, “The best we can do is just to honor them by making sure this kind of behavior does not continue, and that more animals aren’t made victims.” This statement underscores the importance of protecting animals from such cruel treatment and it indeed emphasizes the essence of PETA.

John Kerry

John Kerry, a distinguished author in the realm of science, explores the intricate intersections of environmental policy and scientific advancements. With an insightful pen, he navigates complex issues, offering readers a profound understanding of the crucial role science plays in shaping sustainable futures. Dive into Kerry's work on ReaderWall to embark on a journey through the nexus of science and policy.