Uganda Honors Archbishop Janani Luwum: Celebrating a Martyr for Justice and Truth

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Chief Justice Honors Archbishop Janani Luwum on National Commemorative Day

Our source brings you comprehensive documentation on the life of Archbishop Janani Luwum, a remarkable character in Ugandan history, whose legacy has been commemorated on a national level.

The Legacy of Archbishop Janani Luwum

Archbishop Janani Luwum was an outspoken critic of the authoritarian rule under the regime of Idi Amin. His dedication to the cause of social justice, coupled with moral courage and deeply rooted faith, has left an enduring legacy, encouraging countless people to take a stand against injustice and advocate for change.

A martyr for the cause of human rights, Luwum’s outspoken criticism eventually led to his untimely death at the hands of the terrorizing regime in 1977. He is remembered as national hero for his meaningful contributions to society and to the establishment of justice in Uganda.

Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny Dollo Honors Luwum’s Legacy

At the recent celebration of the 47th Saint Janani Luwum Day held in Kitgum District, Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny Dollo was present among other government officials. In his speech, Dollo paid tribute to Luwum, praising his uncompromising commitment to justice, truth, faith, and human rights in Uganda and beyond.

February 16th has been declared as a public holiday in Uganda as a way to memorialize the life and martyrdom of Janani Luwum. This day serves as a national platform to remember and honor the poignant narrative of his life and the lasting significance of his martyrdom.

The 47th Saint Janani Luwum Day Celebration

The commemoration of Saint Janani Luwum Day this year marked the 47th anniversary of the Archbishop’s martyrdom. With the ongoing theme of “Advocacy for social justice,” the event was attended by over 400 pilgrims from different regions of the country.

Speculations have suggested that President Yoweri Museveni might attend the event as a chief guest. Among the government’s initiatives to honor Archbishop Janani Luwum is the plan to build a modern sports stadium at the burial site where he was laid to rest.


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