Tragedy in South Delhi: 36-Year-Old Man’s Mysterious Death Sparks Controversy

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Bharat Sachdeva, a 36-year-old Man, Found Dead in South Delhi

Investigations Indicate a Possible Case of Suicide

Our sources from Neb Sarai, a locality in South Delhi, reported a tragic incident on Tuesday in which a 36-year-old former auto driver, named Bharat Sachdeva, was found dead in his residence at Jawahar Park. The Neb Sarai Police Station was quick to respond to the incident, ensuring proper investigation measures are taken accordingly.

Ankit Chauhan, Deputy Commissioner of Police (South), disclosed in his preliminary observations that Sachdeva died due to self-inflicted gunshot wounds, increasing the likelihood of this being a case of suicide. The claim is reinforced by the severity and placement of his injuries, including a clear entry and exit wound, a commonly observed pattern found in self-made injuries.

Primary Response of Investigating Authorities

The local police acted diligently, facilitating the immediate send-off of the Forensic and Crime units to the incident scene. The primary goal of these experts is to ultimately confirm or question the results of the preliminary investigation, establishing whether the death was accidental, suicide or, as alleged by some, even murder.

Family Allegations Stir the Case Further

The unfolding of the case has not been smooth, with the deceased’s family emerging as differing voices in the narrative proposed by the police. They have raised allegations of possible murder, raising objections against the suicide theory. In addition, the family has also insisted on having a view of Sachdeva’s body. The body is currently in AIIMS, where a post-mortem examination is pending.

Sachdeva’s Recent Job Loss Accounts for Possible Motive

Reliable sources disclose that Bharat Sachdeva had recently lost his job as an auto driver, providing potential context to the suicide theory. However, since there is an ongoing investigation, definitive conclusions are not available at this point. The course this case is heading towards will be shaped by the forthcoming inputs from the forensic teams and the autopsy results from AIIMS.

As the incident occurred in the late hours of Tuesday, further information will be reported as our sources continue to cover the progress of this tragic case.


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