Stage Right Increases Inclusivity through Audio Narrations

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Enter Stage Right Theatre Embarks on Inclusive Journey with Audio Description Services

The highly prestigious Enter Stage Right Theatre based in Port Huron, embarks on a commendable objective of inclusivity. It plans to enable this by offering audio description services for its visually impaired audience members. The benchmark setting process begins with the production of “Wait Until Dark” scheduled for February 10th. Not floating adrift the conventional ways of the theatre, it plans to have audio description for one show from every production lineup, considering its history of visually impaired patrons.

Alliances and Financial Aid

Enter Stage Right managed to realize this initiative through enduring collaborations, namely the Blue Water League of the Blind alongside monetary aid provided by the Port Huron Lions Club. Audio Description Services Midwest will be the source of the audio description. Enter State Right plans to augment this service by stipulating 12 receivers.

‘Touch Tour’ – A Step Deeper

In a bid to intensify the experience for its visually impaired patrons, Enter Stage Right offers an opportunity to conduct a ‘touch tour’ on stage. The sense of touch acts as a door to understanding the audio descriptions a step more profound, allowing a physical exploration of the stage properties and set.

Reinventing Theatrical Space

The black box theatre design of Enter Stage Right, recognized for its intimate and engaging space, is warmly welcomed by visually impaired audience members. The tactile setup provides a level of intimacy typically missed in traditional theatre spaces.

Enter Stage Right striding towards a future of inclusivity, is also seeking options to offer American Sign Language interpreters for patrons who are hearing impaired or deaf. This venture further strengthens the theatre’s commitment to an inclusive approach. This signifies a crucial step in making the theatre not only a place for entertainment but a welcoming space for everyone, regardless of their sensory abilities.


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