PSO’s ‘Conquer with Carient’ Campaign Unleashes Market Dominance Ambitions in Pakistan

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PSO Strengthens Position in Automotive Lubricants Market with ‘Conquer with Carient’ Campaign

Renowned automotive lubricants provider, PSO, unveiled the ‘Conquer with Carient’ campaign on November 20, 2023. The campaign’s primary goal is to spotlight PSO’s superior lubricant portfolio and further expand its market footprint. Not only has this campaign boosted the company’s already impressive reputation, but it has also dramatically increased its market share.

Growth Anticipated in Pakistan’s Lubricant Market

Pakistan’s lubricant market is robust, with an estimated annual consumption of a whopping 400 million litres. Predictions suggest a growth rate of 3.5% over the coming four years, driven predominantly by the automotive, power generation, and transportation sectors. PSO’s ‘Conquer with Carient’ campaign seeks to capitalise on this growth, with its market share already rising from 14% to an impressive 25%, putting it just behind the market leader, Caltex.

Predatory Animal Mascots to Showcase Competitive Ambition

The dynamic ‘Conquer with Carient’ campaign, masterfully put together by RG Blue Communications, correlates PSO’s lubricant variants to the world’s most charismatic predators such as the lion, the eagle, the wolf, and the black panther. These symbolic representations underscore the fierce competition in the corporate world. The campaign’s focus is not only to resonate with the ambitious market demographic of corporate executives aged between 25 and 45 years but also to forge an emotional bond with them.

Budget and Logistical Challenges Addressed Creatively

The initial vision for the campaign was to feature real animals. However, budget and logistical considerations necessitated a detour from the original plan. The creative solution involved the use of carefully crafted animations, supplemented by video footage of various terrains. As a result of this ingenious pivot, the essence of the campaign remained intact.

Collaboration with Influencers and Multi-Platform Promotion Boost Campaign Reach

The campaign did not restrict itself to digital media but found its way into TV, print, and outdoor advertising as well. A collaboration with eminent personalities like Irfan Junejo also played a significant role in generating buzz around the campaign. The campaign draws attention to PSO’s national heritage and firmly establishes the superiority of its lubricants when compared to those of international competitors. Derived from our local context, the campaign resonates with the local population by emphasizing the technical benefits and suitability of PSO’s lubricants for local market conditions.


Meet Declan, an insightful author on ReaderWall specializing in Health. With a passion for promoting holistic well-being, Declan combines expertise in nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness to empower readers on their wellness journey. Explore Declan's engaging articles for expert advice and inspiration, fostering a healthier and happier lifestyle.