Preserving Libya’s Heritage: German Ambassador Praises GI Director’s Visit to Tripoli’s Soap House

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German Ambassador Praises Goethe-Institute’s Involvement in Preserving Libya’s Heritage

German Ambassador Commends Director of Goethe-Institute’s Visit to Tripoli’s Soap House

Our source disclosed that Michael Ohnmacht, the German Ambassador to Libya, recognized the significance of a visit by the director of the Goethe-Institute in Tunisia, Mrs. Jacob, to a prominent cultural location in Tripoli, Libya.

Strengthening Cultural Ties

Ohnmacht described Jacob’s visit as ‘wonderful’, emphasizing her meeting with a renowned local architect, Ms. Razan. It is worth noting that Razan has been influential in various workshops hosted by the Goethe-Institute, with a primary focus on preserving Libya’s historical and cultural heritage.

The Importance of The Soap House

The Soap House, a unique historical landmark in Tripoli, boasts a rich heritage stretching back over two centuries. Serving initially as a soap factory in the ninth century, it stands as a shining testament to Libya’s prosperous past.

Preserving Libya’s Cultural Legacy

This noteworthy visit highlights the ongoing efforts being made to appreciate and maintain Libya’s vast historical and cultural legacy. The engagement of organisations such as the Goethe-Institute in these initiatives underscores the importance of international collaboration in cultural conservation.

Elijah Muhammad