Judicial Brights Nurture Diverse Art Accumulations Amid Company Shedding

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A New Trend: Legal Aces Flex their Artistic Muscles as Corporations Retreat

As corporate players are gradually parting with their art collections, creating a unique divide in the world of art acquisition, it is the legal community who are developing their private galleries, amassing an intriguing range of art works. These collections reflect personal preferences, historical narratives and their love of art. A key advocate of this trend is Chief Justice Andrew Bell of the NSW Supreme Court. His collection, started during his years at the NSW Bar, extends across his office and residence, showcasing over a hundred art pieces.

Andrew Bell: Collector of Joy

Bell’s collection is not confined to a single genre or theme but is a reflection of his varied taste. It hosts a range of amusing yet critical representations of Captain Cook by Hugh Ramage. Pamela Bell, his mother, played a critical role in shaping Bell’s love for art. As the first art curator at Sydney University, she ignited his passion towards art. His proximity to the Surry Hills gallery, owned by art enthusiast Ray Hughes, fueled his interest in collecting art pieces.

Richard Weinstein’s Artistic Adventure, Started by a Mentor

Justice Richard Weinstein is yet another influential figure in the legal world boasting an extensive art collection. Initiated during his time as a tipstaff for the late NSW Supreme Court judge Roderick Meagher, Weinstein’s collection includes a plethora of artistic expressions – from paintings and sketches to furniture, textiles, sculptures, and trinkets. His collection, much like Meagher’s, is a tribute to numerous artists, highlighting his passion for various art forms.

Sydney’s Private Art Galleries in Disguise

The art collections of both Bell and Weinstein exemplify the rich, yet undiscovered world of private art collectors residing within Sydney’s legal district. Their collections are hidden gems in the apparent mundanity of the city’s legal infrastructures. They are a celebration of diverse tastes and personal affinities of the legal elites, injecting a vivid dose of color into the typically monochrome corporate world of law.


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