Government of India Changes Disinvestment Strategy, Concentrates on PSU Renewal

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A New Perspective on Disinvestment in India

In a pivotal departure from convention, India’s government, under the guidance of Finance Secretary TV Somanathan, is refocusing its perspective on disinvestment. Rather than utilizing disinvestment as a deficit-control mechanism, the government is moving towards fostering a more robust public sector. This move is steadily garnering increased investor attention due to the higher valuations and greater dividends. As such, the halcyon days of disinvestment urgency appear to be ebbing.

A Shift in Evaluation Methodology

Instead of adhering to a constrained timeframe, the government plans on embracing a more inclusive evaluation methodology. This revised strategy will take into account the asset value, potential earnings, and capacity enhancement opportunities of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). This innovative approach will enable the government to carry out disinvestments based on the economical worth of PSUs, thereby allowing for stake sales at the most optimal times.

Global Economic Trends and their Influence

Despite the government dialing down on its disinvestment aspirations somewhat, this change is, in part, attributed to global economic conditions that have impacted public stake sale options. In spite of this, certain PSUs have gained traction in the marketplace, thanks to policy changes aimed at mitigating climate change and reducing logistics expenses.

Disconnecting Disinvestment from Fiscal Targets

The decision to detach disinvestment from fiscal objectives opens up the possibility for the government to achieve superior results for each PSU individually. This pivot also signals the government’s continued acknowledgement of the wider benefits of disinvestment, like the promotion of competitiveness and the enhancement of corporate governance protocols. The goal is to keep these aspects at the forefront of strategies, even as the rush to disinvest in PSU stakes wanes.


Overall, this strategic shift marks a watershed moment in the Indian government’s approach to disinvestment, focusing on value maximization over urgent revenue generation. How this policy change will eventually shape the public sector’s growth and investment climate will certainly be significant and worth tracking in the coming years according to our sources.

Anna Parker

Anna Parker, a distinguished author in the realm of business literature, brings a wealth of expertise to ReaderWall. With a profound understanding of corporate dynamics, Parker's insightful works offer invaluable insights into leadership, strategy, and organizational excellence. Explore her thought-provoking writings on ReaderWall's Business category and elevate your understanding of the business world.