‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ actor Jamie Dornan treated in hospital over heart problem symptoms post encounters with harmful caterpillars

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Unprecedented Health Scare for Hollywood Actor Jamie Dornan During Portugal Trip

News reports confirm that Jamie Dornan, the veteran Hollywood star known for his roles in movies like ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’, experienced a major health scare recently. While on a visit to Portugal, Dornan was rushed to the hospital after he began exhibiting symptoms analogous to a heart attack. The surprising cause behind these symptoms was reported as exposure to toxic caterpillars. The incident was confirmed by ‘Good Morning Britain’ presenter and friend of Dornan, Gordon Smart.

Jamie Dornan’s Dilapidating State

Through a recent BBC podcast interview titled “The Good, the Bad, and the Unexpected,” Smart unveiled the terrifying details of the incident. He disclosed that originally both he and Dornan mistook their deteriorating health as effects of excessive alcohol consumption the night before. However, they were soon to discover that their suffering was caused by toxic have caterpillars, known as processionary caterpillars, prevalent in Portugal.

Undergoing Treatment

Smart vividly recalled the sequence of events leading to the astonishing revelation. Experiencing a wierd tingling sensation in his left hand and arm, he feared the onset of a heart attack. Despite maintaining physical health, the fear of such a severe ailment had him convinced. Acting swiftly, Smart was rushed to the hospital where he received the requisite medical attention.

Upon returning to the hotel post his hospital visit, he discovered Dornan under the effects of a similar health predicament. Describing Dornan’s account of the incident Smart quoted, “About 20 minutes after you left, my left arm went numb, my left leg went numb, and my right leg went numb, and I found myself in the back of an ambulance.”

The Untold Dangers of Toxic Caterpillars

In a surprising turn of events, the doctor assigned to the case made it known that their life-threatening symptoms were a result of exposure to the processionary caterpillars frequenting the golf course in South Portugal. “It turns out that there are caterpillars on golf courses in the south of Portugal that have been killing people’s dogs and giving men in their 40s heart attacks,” Smart divulged revealing the underpublicized risk. The cause for the frightening episode was conclusively not caffeine overdose or a hangover, but the result of a “poisonous, toxic caterpillar.”

Despite the significant passage of time since the bizarre happenings, Dornan’s representatives have yet to release a statement addressing the matter.


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