Drama The Musical 2: A Tribute to Femininity Launches on U.S. Journey

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More Than A Sequel: Menopause The Musical 2 Embodies Female Empowerment

Pioneering a comedic musical narrative about female experiences and transitions, Menopause The Musical 2: Cruising Through ‘The Change’ ventures beyond being just a sequel to its 2001 original. It builds on its prequel’s successful foundation, transforming a tale of menopause into a musical, filled with rib-tickling humour and timeless song parodies.

Continuing a Legacy of Shared Laughter and Bonding

The brain behind the musical’s inception, the late Jeanie Linders, originally envisaged the musical as a friendship circle for women venturing through menopause. Encouraging sisterhood and shared laughter, Linders intended for women to face this challenging life change together. Upholding her original vision, the sequel, directed by Seth Greenleaf and penned down by Karen Bishko and Jeanette Hopkins, steers the narrative further into this legacy. It takes the audience on a new journey with the original characters, now five years older and embarking on a hilarious cruise filled with melodious parodies and unexpected adventures.

The Cast of Empowerment

The powerhouse cast comprises of Stacey Harris, Valerie Fagan, Teri Adams, and Kimberly Ann Harris. They not only intrigue the audience with their captivating performances but also seamlessly educate about the intricacies of the female experience. Even though the musical primarily targets the female audience, it serves as an enticing educational resource for men, providing them with a brief insight into the overlooked journey of menopause.

A Nationwide Tour Commences

With an enthusiastic start at The Hanover Theatre in Worcester, the joyous musical has embarks on its U.S. tour. Stacey Harris, enacting the character ‘Soap Star,’ articulates her gratification in being a part of the production that values middle-aged women, a demographic often sidelined in the entertainment world. As of now, the tour is scheduled to last until June, with the creative team optimistically striving for a run parallel in success and longevity to the original musical.

  • Menopause The Musical 2 reintroduces audiences to the beloved original characters as they embark on a humour-filled cruise.
  • The production empowers middle-aged women and enlightens audiences about their journey.
  • ‘Cruising Through ‘The Change” is currently on a nationwide tour, delivering its empowering and comedic narrative to cities across the U.S.

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