Debbie Aguero’s 90 Days: A Story of Chastity, Unsuccessful Affection, and Fresh Passion

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Reality TV Star, Debbie Aguero, Discusses Her Love Life and Search for Love

Renowned star of the television show, ’90 Day: The Single Life,’ Debbie Aguero, recently had an intimate conversation on her journey towards finding love after an extended period of celibacy. Originating from Sugar Hill, Georgia, Debbie’s candid confession of abstaining from sex for 14 years has become a fascinating element of the show, especially her playful claim of ‘reverting into virginity.’

From Cross-Cultural Love to Celibacy

Debbie’s love life has been quite tumultuous. She had previously formed a relationship with Oussama Berber, a man who was 43 years younger than her. Their love sprouted in the realm of the internet, where their common love for the arts and poetry helped them cross the boundaries of age and culture. When Debbie decided to visit Oussama in Morocco, inspired by the love they had nurtured online, she chose to abstain from sex prior to their planned marriage.

In retrospect, Debbie feels unwavered at her decision not to undermine her ‘honor and virtue’ for a man whom she later scornfully called a ‘young punk.’ She admitted that it appeared Oussama was more interested in securing a U.S. green card, which shattered her trust and left her with a deep-seated pain.

Starting Afresh With ‘Ruben the Cuban’

In the fresh season of ’90 Day: The Single Life,’ viewers got to witness Debbie embarking on a new journey of love with a 58-year-old man, fondly known as ‘Ruben the Cuban from Miami.’ Their date was filled with dance, laughter, mojitos, and heartwarming conversations.

Like Debbie, Ruben showcased a yearning for a significant relationship. He emphatically conveyed his quest for a soul connection, not just merely a physical one. This reverberated with Debbie, who too has been striving for honest companionship following her past situations.

Debbie’s Love Prospect

The arc of Debbie’s experiences on ’90 Day: The Single Life’ has turned into a testament of her endurance and undying hope. In spite of her past, she persists in her search for love and authentic human connection, fetching inspiration to numerous viewers. Her narrative reminds everyone that it’s never too late to pursue love and companionship, irrespective of our previous experiences or current predicaments.


Sonny, a prolific Bollywood author, weaves enchanting tales that mirror the vibrant tapestry of Indian cinema. With an innate ability to capture the essence of Bollywood glamour and drama, Sonny's literary creations transport readers into the heart of the film industry. Immerse yourself in the magic of Bollywood through Sonny's evocative storytelling on ReaderWall.