Aggarwal’s AI venture Krutrim turns into India’s premier unicorn by 2024

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Ola Founder’s AI Startup Krutrim Reaches Unicorn Status

As per information from Reader Wall, Krutrim, the artificial intelligence venture launched by the founder of Ola, Bhavish Aggarwal, has raised $50 million in funding which catapults the startup into the fabled unicorn club, with a $1 billion valuation. This development means that Krutrim is India’s maiden AI business to achieve the unicorn status, a mere month after its introduction.

Krutrim’s Investors and Development

Investors in Krutrim include Matrix Partners India, a firm familiar with Aggarwal’s work, having invested in his two other startups, Ola and Ola Electric. Its rapid climb to being hailed a unicorn so quickly after becoming operational is of particular note. The startup is currently in the midst of developing data centers in various parts of India. Their goal is the creation of a robust supercomputer ecosystem for the development of AI within the country.

Upcoming Projects and Features

A sneak-peek into their future endeavors reveals a beta version of the eponymous Krutrim chatbot set to be available to consumers within the next month. APIs to developers and corporations are also in the pipeline, scheduled for release in the forthcoming months.

Performance and Capability of Krutrim

Krutrim essentially manifests as a large language model, exhibiting training on over 2 trillion ‘tokens,’ or specific sub-words involved in conversations. Once up and running, the AI platform will showcase two distinct classifications. The initial version of Krutrim was floated last month and fans can look forward to Krutrim Pro, set to debut later this year, armed with refined abilities for problem resolution and task management. The company stands by its claim that Krutrim surpasses the scope of GPT-4.

Utilizing Custom Tokenizer

Krutrim incorporates a custom tokenizer for the interpretation of languages and scripts. When pitted against similar open-source LLMs trained on comparable data volumes, Krutrim asserts its superiority, outstripping competition based on a selection of industry-standard benchmarks.

Aggarwal expressed community-wide elation at this achievement, stating,” We are thrilled to announce the successful closure of our first funding round, which not only validates the potential of Krutrim’s innovative AI solutions but also underscores the confidence investors have in our ability to drive meaningful change out of India for the world.”

Anna Parker

Anna Parker, a distinguished author in the realm of business literature, brings a wealth of expertise to ReaderWall. With a profound understanding of corporate dynamics, Parker's insightful works offer invaluable insights into leadership, strategy, and organizational excellence. Explore her thought-provoking writings on ReaderWall's Business category and elevate your understanding of the business world.