Traffic Chaos and Silent Fare Hikes Plague Entebbe Residents The residents of Entebbe find themselves caught in the midst of both traffic chaos and silent fare hikes, leaving them frustrated and inconvenienced.

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The daily commute for residents of Entebbe, including those in Kajjansi, has become a true test of endurance. Severe traffic issues, combined with a significant shortage of public transportation options, have led to a sharp increase in transportation fares. The focus is on the quiet fare hike, a move that may have gone unnoticed due to its secretive implementation. The fare from Kajjansi has now risen to UGX 4000, a significant increase from its previous UGX 2000, according to Kajjansi resident Sofia Nalubega.

The Unnoticed Fare Hike

With the fare hike occurring almost stealthily, it seems that there was no comprehensive communication or advance notice provided to the residents. The surge in fares, hidden in the everyday chaos, has put additional financial pressure on the local population. The impact is far-reaching, affecting the budgets of commuters who rely on public transportation for their daily work, school, and other activities.

Caught in the Middle: Traffic and Fare Hikes

Residents not only have to navigate through the maze of traffic congestion, but they now also have to deal with the burden of increased fares. This situation presents a significant challenge for the local population, as they are caught in the crossfire of inconvenience and financial strain.

A Cause and Its Consequences

The traffic disruptions in Kampala, caused by the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and G-77 plus China summits, with specific roads allocated to delegates and over 246 boda boda stages relocated, have contributed to the pressure. The measures implemented by the Directorate of Traffic and Road Safety, including banning motorcycles on certain routes, were intended to reduce congestion, improve security, and increase visibility for pedestrians and motorists. However, these measures have had adverse ripple effects on the local population, resulting in higher transportation fares and subsequent financial strain.