Yinka Ogundimu Elected President of ACAOSA, Vows Comprehensive CSR Initiative

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Former Lagos State Legislator, Yinka Ogundimu, Elected President of Agege Old Students’ Association

In recent developments shared from our sources, Yinka Ogundimu, a past representative of the Lagos House of Assembly, has risen to the office of President for the Agege Old Students’ Association of Anwar-Ul Islam College.

Ogundimu’s Plan for Enhanced School Operations

The newly elected president expressed his dedication to implementing a robust corporate social responsibility programme. His primary objective is to enhance the operational mechanisms of the school, aiming for a well-rounded growth.

Ogundimu stressed the importance of an executive committee that harbours inclusivity and promotes active member engagement on their general platform. He believes in a collective effort for decision-making, rooting for active participation from every member.

The Executive Team and Key Priorities

Ogundimu mapped out the key priorities for the incoming executive committee during his inauguration speech. The focus will be on integration into the national body of the association, strategic financial planning, and paving a path for the school alumni to contribute substantially towards the betterment of the school.

The intent is to set a high standard for operations, intending to make the Class of ’87 a model within the national ACAOSA framework. He wishes to pave a path for future batches to follow, creating a legacy.

Additional Executive Appointments

Our reports indicate that the announcement also contained information about the appointment of other executive members in various key positions. This shows the active composition of the executive committee, promising efficient leadership.

  • The Assistant General Secretary spot will be filled by Taiwo Odubeko.
  • The role of the General Secretary was handed over to Ikmat Gbadamosi.
  • Rafiu Jempeji will be responsible for the Treasurer.
  • The significant role of Vice President will be assumed by Kolade.

These new appointments suggest that the Agege Old Students’ Association of Anwar-Ul Islam College is laying a robust foundation for its future with these reputed personalities at the helm of affairs.

Gina Torres

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