Trailblazer Bronwyn Lambert Champions Female Paramedics in Victoria’s North-West

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The Unique Journey of Female Paramedic Bronwyn Lambert

A Single Female Paramedic Serving Upper North-West Victoria

In the vast region of upper north-west Victoria, there stands a unique figure who represents not only resilience and service but also heralds the potential for greater gender diversity in critical healthcare roles. This figure is the riveting Bronwyn Lambert, the only female Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance paramedic working from Mildura’s base. Emerging from our source, this inspiring story shines a light on the need for more women in such challenging, yet rewarding professions.

Charting Lambert’s Medic Career

Lambert laid the foundations of her career in 2004 when she joined the South Australian Ambulance Service. After gaining invaluable experience and exploring her passion for healthcare and emergency services, she decided to take a new direction in her career. Consequently, she joined Ambulance Victoria in 2007, serving from the Irymple station.

International Women’s Day: A Call for More Female Paramedics

As an ardent supporter of women’s participation in various fields, Lambert has chosen the auspicious occasion of International Women’s Day to ignite her campaigning efforts. Her aim is dedicated to encouraging more women to consider roles in the essential, yet intensive work of paramedic services. In line with her personal beliefs, Lambert wants to utilize her voice and position to inspire change and promote gender diversity in critical response roles.

Lambert’s Future Endeavors and Hopes

Despite the many hurdles associated with her role as a Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance paramedic, Lambert’s commitment to her career remains unwavering. She hopes for and encourages the expansion of women’s roles in paramedicine units, pushing towards a future where her unique standing will no longer be unique, but rather, a norm.

  • Bronwyn Lambert champions the importance of gender diversity in paramedic roles.
  • Lambert highlights the rewarding nature of the position despite its challenges.
  • Through her advocacy, Lambert hopes to inspire more women to consider a career in paramedicine.

  • Anna Parker

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