Thermal Birth Control: A Fresh Approach to Male Contraception

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In a unique approach to male contraception, researchers are investigating techniques that go beyond traditional chemical and hormonal methods. One promising method being explored is to raise the temperature of the testicles in order to inhibit sperm production. This concept is based on knowledge dating back to the 1930s, which suggests that a slight increase in testicular temperature can greatly reduce male fertility.

Thermal Underwear: A Potential Game-Changer

A recent development in this field is the creation of special undergarments designed to elevate the testicles closer to the inguinal canal. This idea was first proposed in France in the 1980s by renowned andrologist Roger Mieusset and biologist Louis Bujan. Early studies have shown promising results for these underpants, indicating that if worn for at least 15 hours a day, they could serve as an effective, well-tolerated, and reversible form of contraception.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite initial success, progress in the research of these thermal underpants has been hindered primarily by a lack of interest from industrial partners to standardize and manufacture the device. Interestingly, in France, there has been a growing demand for non-surgical contraceptive methods, as evidenced by the increasing number of vasectomy sterilizations performed each year.

Thermal Contraception: The Way Forward

Although these thermal contraception methods are not yet officially recognized or available for prescription, healthcare professionals like general practitioner and andrologist François Isus provide information and conduct preliminary assessments for interested men. Some men attempt to create their own thermal contraception devices or purchase contraceptive rings marketed as decorative items. Isus emphasizes the importance of regular spermogram tests for users of these methods, a practice that is not widely followed. A new clinical study protocol is currently being considered to further evaluate the effectiveness of thermal contraception.
