Russia Advances Control: Bans Advertising Revenue for ‘Foreign Agents’, Eyes Royalty Payments

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Russian State Duma Speaker Advocates a Discussion on Foreign Agents’ Royalties’ Prohibition

Speaker of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, looks to open discussions concerning banning financial profits made by foreign agents through royalties and related rights. He specifically targets those who reside outside the country and bring discredit upon the Russian Armed Forces or defame Russia through their creative pursuits such as acting, songwriting, and authorship. This suggests an expansion of existing restrictions aimed at those designated as foreign agents.

Follow up to Previous Legislation

This proposition comes on the heels of a recently enacted law forbidding promotional activities by foreign agents, a step Volodin argues to have shown effectiveness. By his account, the advertising ban has resulted in some foreign agents discontinuing their ventures or downsizing their staff. The Speaker claims the advertising blockade could potentially strip foreign agents of about half to four-fifths of their advertising-based earnings.

Impact on Financial Revenues of Foreign Agents

Based on our source’s data, foreign agents received an estimated total of five billion rubles in the last year from advertising revenues. Volodin maintains that a similar prohibition on royalty payments could substantially impact the income streams of these foreign agents, leading to significant financial losses.

Call for Public Input

Volodin made these statements on his Telegram channel, thereby seeking public engagement in the dialogue around potential restriction on royalty disbursements to foreign agents. He urged his followers to voice their thoughts on the proposed ban, opening up a platform for diverse perspectives on this significant issue.


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