Revolutionizing Galician Elections: Embracing Mail-In Voting and Forging Political Alliances

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The forthcoming Galician regional elections set to take place on February 18 are not only attracting attention for potential changes in the political landscape, but also for the extensive provisions in place to ensure voter engagement. Recognizing the importance of accessibility and convenience in today’s uncertain times, electoral authorities have developed a range of measures for individuals who may be unable to vote in person on election day.

Embracing Postal Voting

Between December 26 and February 8, individuals registered on the electoral roll have the option to apply for postal voting. This can be done either in person at any Spanish post office or through an electronic form provided by Correos, the national postal service of Spain. The electronic option requires either an electronic ID or a valid digital certificate. For those applying for postal voting in person, identification such as a DNI, passport, or driving license is necessary. To avoid waiting, appointments can be made with Correos.

Overseas Voters: Catering to the Diaspora

For voters residing overseas, the process has been streamlined to ensure their voices are heard. Individuals registered on the consular electoral census as of October 1, 2023, will automatically receive electoral documentation in two separate shipments. They have the choice to cast their vote either by certified mail to the Consulate or in person at the consular office. Additionally, voters who will be temporarily abroad for the 2024 Galician elections have the option to request their voting materials by January 20 and must send their vote by certified mail no later than February 14.

Political Alliances: A Pivotal Moment

On the political front, the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) and Anova have formed a coalition for the upcoming election. This collaboration aims to rally Galician citizens behind BNG candidate Ana Pontón for the position of Galician president. Despite a history of internal divisions and electoral successes for Anova, the BNG has experienced a resurgence in electoral support in recent years. This agreement is seen as a potential catalyst for unity within Galician sovereignism, potentially opening the door for a post-election alliance between left-wing parties to challenge the Galician government currently held by the PP.
