Rajasthan Minister Exposes Recruitment Scam: Demands Probe into SI, RAS Exams

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Rajasthan Minister Urges Investigation into Suspected Fraud in Police Recruitment

According to our sources, Kirodi Lal Meena, a minister in Rajasthan, has submitted what he claims is evidence of fraudulent activities pertaining to the 2021 sub-inspector (SI) recruitment exam. There could be irregularities involving an estimated 300-400 candidates, he suggests.

Inadequate Response to Previous Concerns

Highlighting previous concerns related to the Rajasthan Administrative Service (RAS) recruitment in 2018, Meena urged for in-depth scrutiny. He drew attention to more than 850 candidates whom the preceding Congress administration recruited after the SI examination in 2021. This raised concerns about the validity of the selection process, he argued.

Pending Action Over Recorded Complaints

The minister also mentioned that despite several FIRs lodged regarding the alleged fraud, there hasn’t been significant action taken. Approximately 859 candidates, who were selected through the controversial exam, are presently undergoing training at the Rajasthan Police Academy (RPA), according to Meena.

Suggestion for Verification

As a solution, he proposed verifying the videography from the exam centers with the candidates currently at RPA. This, he believes, could potentially expose inconsistencies and further validate his claim.

Allegations of Candidate Impersonation

Bolstering his argument, Meena recounted an incident involving a selected candidate who failed to name the President of the country, implying that someone might have impersonated this candidate in the examination. Further examination of the selected candidates could unearth around 300 fraudulent cases, he added.

Call for Widespread Scrutiny

Beyond the SI recruitment exam, Meena also requested an investigation into the RAS recruitment procedures conducted in 2018 and 2021. He accused a member of the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) of perpetrating a scam during the 2018 recruitment process. The presumed scam involved shutting down cameras and assigning a favored professor as a coordinator, resulting in a weighted grading towards kin of Congress leaders.

  • Minister Meena discloses alleged evidence of fraud in 2021 SI recruitment
  • Over 850 recruitment under scrutiny
  • Claims of inaction despite multiple FIRs
  • Suggests video verification can expose discrepancies
  • Alleges candidate impersonation in exams
  • Estimates around 300 fraudulent recruitments
  • Demands broader investigation into both 2018 and 2021 RAS recruitment processes

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