Prime Minister Modi Emphasizes Government’s Dedication to Social and Tribal Welfare

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In his recent speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the importance of Shabari, a tribal woman mentioned in the epic Ramayana, in connection with the upcoming inauguration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya on January 22. The Prime Minister’s address highlighted the significant role played by Shabari in the story of Ram and drew attention to the Indian government’s commitment to the well-being of disadvantaged communities, particularly the poor and tribes.

Modi’s Emphasis on Social Welfare and Infrastructure Development

Significantly, Modi highlighted the government’s achievement of building 4 crore permanent houses for the underprivileged over the past decade as evidence of its focus on social welfare and infrastructure development. This accomplishment is particularly notable as it coincides with the important religious and cultural event marking the construction of the highly anticipated Ram temple.

A Study on Corruption during Modi’s Leadership

A study conducted by CMS revealed that 75% of Indian households believe that corruption in public services has either remained the same or increased during Modi’s tenure. The perception of the government’s commitment to combating corruption has decreased from 41% in 2018 to 31%. Public services such as transportation, police, housing, land records, health, and hospitals are perceived as being the most corrupt. However, there has been a significant decrease in the perception of corruption in public services compared to 2005.

Government’s Pledge to Tribal Welfare

Union Minister G Kishan Reddy confirmed the Modi government’s dedication to the welfare of tribal communities, with a budget allocation of over Rs 1.17 lakh crore for this purpose. The government has officially recognized 75 tribal sects and is introducing the Pradhan Mantri Adivasis Welfare Programme, which includes measures such as land titles, tribal hostels and hospitals, and residential schools for adivasi students under the Eklavya Model. The government is also focused on developing tribal tourism.

Overall, the speeches by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister G Kishan Reddy highlight the government’s commitment to social welfare, infrastructure development, and tribal welfare. However, they also acknowledge the ongoing need for concerted efforts to combat corruption and improve public services.
