Onsted Community Seeks Visionary Leader in Superintendent Search, Sets Interview Dates

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Onsted Community Schools on a Hunt for New Supremacy

The Onsted Community Schools are eagerly searching for a subsequent superintendent, following the forthcoming retirement of their current office holder, Mr. Steve Head. The retirement, which will become effective from the last day of June, has put the school district in the process of recruiting a worthy successor.

Search Conducted by Michigan Leadership Institute

The recruitment process is being spearheaded by Mr. Randy Liepa, an authoritative figure in the Michigan Leadership Institute. He played a key role in orchestrating community feedback sessions on February 27. Despite the unexpectedly low turnout at these sessions, valuable insights were procured about the type of leader the community anticipates as the next superintendent.

Desired Qualities in the Next Superintendent

The community has clear intents for the forthcoming leader, as was unearthed during the feedback sessions. Their ideal superintendent will be a leader who can further augment the currently esteemed educational district. They greatly value traits like robust communication capabilities, rock-solid integrity, inspiring vision, and being a forward-thinking individual. These qualities have been stressed upon as essential for anybody looking to step into the shoes of Mr. Steve Head.

Process and Timeline of the Recruitment

The hiring procedure incorporates various stages. It starts with a period in which applications will be accepted, coming to a close on March 20th. This will be followed by the initiation of the round of interviews and official visits to the site. The final selection is projected to be announced by the beginning of May.

Strengths of the District: Community Involvement and Strong Staff-Board Relationships

  • One element that was constantly echoed during the feedback sessions as a strength of the district was the involvement of the community. Having a community that is invested in the affairs of the district can be a great asset to the incoming superintendent.
  • A recurrent theme in the feedback was the mention of the strong bond between the staff and the board of the Onsted Community Schools. This strong relationship will undoubtedly act as a crucial bonus for the district in the future.

This information is culled from our reliable sources, and we are committed to bringing you all further updates as this process unfolds.


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