On Martyrs’ Day, Bangladesh’s Call to Combat Communalism Echoes Through History

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Obaidul Quader Highlights Importance of Eradicating Communal Forces on Martyrs Day

On the occasion of Shaheed Dibash or Martyrs Day, and International Mother Language Day, Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister, Obaidul Quader, underscored the importance of eliminating communal forces in Bangladesh. He specifically identified the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) as an advocate of such disruptive ideologies.

Quader’s Pledge

Quader made his remarks after paying homage to the martyrs of the historic Language Movement at the Central Shaheed Minar. He promised to eradicate the ‘poisonous tree’ of communalism, which he believes is an obstacle to the country’s progress.

Significance of Ekushey February

Quader also stressed the importance of Ekushey February, the day that signaled the commencement of the Language Movement under the insightful leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation. He identified this date as the fundamental pillar of an independent Bangladesh.

Praising Bangabandhu’s Role

Further in his speech, Quader reflected on the crucial role Bangabandhu played in the fight for Bangladesh’s independence. The Minister referred to Bangabandhu’s historic March 7 speech as a turning point in the country’s struggle that ultimately led to independence on December 16, 1971.

Bangladesh’s Current Progress

Reflecting on the current state of the country, Quader commended Bangladesh’s progress and prosperity. He expressed confidence in the nation’s capacity to overcome any challenges that impede its progress and undermine unity.


From his powerful speech, it’s evident that Quader emphasizes unity, independence, and the uprooting of communalism as essential factors in Bangladesh’s evolving narrative. His inspiring words serve as a reminder to value the sacrifice and struggle of the martyrs that led to the independence of Bangladesh, and the significance of unity in maintaining peace, security, and prosperity.

Key Highlights

  • Quader emphasized the need to combat communal forces in Bangladesh.
  • He identified the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) as an advocate of communal ideologies.
  • Quader pledged to eradicate communalism, describing it as a ‘poisonous tree’ hindering the country’s progress.
  • The General Secretary also highlighted the importance of Ekushey February, which marked the onset of the Language Movement under the guidance of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
  • Quader reflected on Bangabandhu’s critical role in the fight for independence, specifically his influential March 7 speech.
  • Looking at Bangladesh’s current progress, Quader commended the nation’s development and prosperity.
Anna Parker

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