Nigeria Scam Job Notice Myth; 9.6 Billion Dollar Fraud Examined

The Reader Wall Google News

Fake Job Advertisement in Benue State Surfaces Online

A job advertisement, falsely attributed to Benue State Civil Service Commission in Nigeria, has been exposed as a scam. This deceptive advert had circulated online, enticing job seekers with false promises of recruitment for the 2024/2025 period. The fraudulent nature of the advert was eventually discovered when the included web link didn’t point to any official website of Benue State.

The Official Announcement

Tersoo Kula, who serves as the press secretary to the state’s governor, issued a formal statement on January 11th denying the legitimacy of this recruitment ad. Titled “Benue state government has not started recruitment into the civil service,” the press release openly rejected the website cited in the deceptive advertisement. Kula issued a warning to the public about this dishonest portal, emphasizing its intentions of trickery. He also clarified that the only actual recruitment taking place in the state currently is by the Benue State University Teaching Hospital in Makurdi.

The Recurring Scenario of Job Fraud

Reports further reveal that the planned job hiring in Benue State had been put on hold due to concerns about job racketeering. This incident adds a new layer to the already existent issues of employment scams and deceitful recruitment processes in this area.

Uncovering of Massive Fraud

In another case, EFCC investigator Umar Babangida has uncovered information related to a supposed 9.6 billion dollar fraud against Nigeria. The scam reportedly involves high-ranking government officials and directors of Process and Industrial Development (P&ID) Ltd. The probe revealed multiple companies registered under a group of individuals, including some from Ireland. Details regarding the firm’s banking transactions, including a hefty N151 million payment from the Federal Capital Development Authority, were also disclosed. It was also brought to light that the company had breached the Money Laundering and Prohibition Act 2011.

All this news comes from the source of Reader Wall.

Elijah Muhammad