Mehbooba Mufti’s Shab-e-Baraat Message: A Beacon of Hope for Jammu and Kashmir

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Jammu and Kashmir PDP President’s Message on Shab-e-Baraat

Mehbooba Mufti, Jammu and Kashmir PDP President, Gives a Statement on Shab-e-Baraat

The President of Jammu and Kashmir People’s Democratic Party (JKPDP), Mehbooba Mufti, recently addressed the public sharing her sentiments on the momentous occasion. Mufti, who has also served her tenure as the Chief Minister of the state, expressed her optimism for the forthcoming Shab-e-Baraat.

Mufti Emphasizes the Importance of Shab-e-Baraat

As per our reliable source, she emphasized the spiritual significance of practising rituals during this period. Shab-e-Baraat is traditionally recognized by believers as a night of forgiveness and blessings. It is seen as a great opportunity to extend prayers to the Almighty, beseech his mercy and seek blessings for humanity’s well-being.

Mufti’s Hope for Peace and Development

In her address, Mufti constructed her hope around the belief that this holy night would usher in peace and development for Jammu and Kashmir. She advocated for stability, progress and prosperity in her homeland by harnessing the positive energies of Shab-e-Baraat, which is revered as a night of divine divide and spiritual contemplation.

Mufti’s Previous Roles

Mufti’s sentiments carry significant weight due to her vast political experience and dedicated service to the state. She has previously held the position of Chief Minister, exhibiting her commitment to the welfare of her state and its people. Her current role as the President of the JKPDP continues this legacy.

Mufti’s Engagement in Key Developments

Mehbooba Mufti has invariably shown her commitment to discussing key developments in the state. Always a proponent for peace and prosperity, she utilizes platforms like Shab-e-Baraat to further these principles. Her desire to utilize this sacred time as a period of reflection, progression, and transformation is genuine and symbolic.


Her statement for Shab-e-Baraat once again depicts Mehbooba Mufti’s relentless hope and commitment to her homeland’s growth, peace, and prosperity. Amid the many challenges she’s faced, Mufti continues to foster an environment steeped in unity, hope, and development for Jammu and Kashmir.

Elijah Muhammad