Gwalior Medical Student Duped for Over One Lakh Rupees by Fraudulent Tantrik
In a shocking incident from the city of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, a fraudulent tantrik found himself behind bars for allegedly coaxing a medical student into paying him a hefty sum of money to solve her love troubles. The student was residing in Thaatipur when she came across a visiting card that sung high praises of the tantrik’s miraculous problem-solving abilities.
Tantrik Promises Guaranteed Results
The visiting card which introduced the student to the fraudulent tantrik claimed that he could resolve any love-related issue with guaranteed results. Intrigued and convinced by his magical trickery, the student decided to approach him seeking a solution for her troubles. Little did she know that she would fall into his trap and end up paying a massive total of 1,01,000 rupees for his so-called rituals.
Student Threatened with Harm to Family
As things escalated, the tantrik played on the student’s worst fears. He demanded more money, stating that a camel’s sacrifice was required for the ritual. Threats of harm befalling her family if she refused to comply added to the student’s fears. Concerned about her family’s safety, the student felt there was no way out and paid him the demanded sum.
Family Intervention Leads to Tantrik’s Arrest
Feeling helpless, the student confided in her uncle about the whole predicament. Her uncle, recognizing the fraud for what it was, promptly informed the police about the tantrik’s fraudulent acts. Swift action from the law enforcement led to the tantrik’s arrest near a Gurudwara.
Police Investigation Underway
The police are currently conducting rigorous investigations based upon the complaint against the tantrik. Drawing from our sources, they are leaving no stone unturned in order to unravel the truth behind the whole situation and bring justice to the victim of the scandal.