Marsabit County Fights Drug Menace with School Anti-Drug Clubs Amid Rising Youth Concerns

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Marsabit County Takes On Drug Trafficking Via School Anti-Drug Clubs

Recent advancements in the fight against drug trafficking in Marsabit County, gathered from our exclusive sources, have seen the cause extend to the school environment. There has been remarkable growth in the constitution of clubs aimed at preventing drug and substance abuse amongst secondary school students. These grassroots efforts to thwart the escalating trend of substance abuse among the younger generation have been a pivotal point in a campaign event.

Collaboration Outlined as Crucial

The campaign event is orchestrated by a major local authority overseeing the control of alcohol and drug misuse. Bishop Daniel Qampicha of Marsabit ACK underscored the urgency of collaboration in tackling this issue. Stressing the adverse effects that excessive drug use has on the religious dedication of the youth, he raised concerns over increasing cases of divorce and gender-based violence within young couples. He recommended rectifying such issues through enhanced regulation and the uniting of efforts to combat drug distribution.

Government Response

The government has responded to the call, kickstarting anti-drug clubs in 14 secondary schools within the constituency. Besides this important step, law enforcement measures have been intensified to hinder drug distribution networks. The authorities have also called upon parents to play a direct role in their children’s upbringing. Furthermore, are plans underway to establish a rehab center in the county to provide much-needed support for recovery initiatives.

Growing Concerns

The persisting issue at hand however, is the wide availability of drugs, primarily bhang, smuggled in from neighboring countries. This availability coupled with the students’ vulnerability to peer pressure, poses great risks to the county’s youth. It is these concerns that have stirred the collective action, not only within the school setting but also within the greater community.

Community Sensitization as a Focal Point

As part of the ongoing measures to fight drug abuse, the community is being sensitized through civic education. Students form the frontline of these efforts, playing an intrinsic role in educating their peers and their communities on the dangers of drug and substance abuse. The overall objective is to create an informed society, with the capacity not only to resist drug use, but also to influence others towards the same path.


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