Learning offers chances for professional superiority: ex-DGP

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Emphasizing the Role of Education in Career Advancement: C. Sylendra Babu

News comes from source of Reader Wall that C. Sylendra Babu, the former State DGP reaffirmed the pivotal role of education in unlocking life opportunities and impulsing career success during his speech on Friday.

He was expressing his views at the VITTA Day 2024, a well-known alumni reunion, celebrating its 29th anniversary at the VIT campus.

Babu’s Words on Education and Women’s Presence in Workforce

Babu emphasized that it’s primarily education, including higher studies, that allows students, and particularly women, to thrive in their respective careers. He highlighted that women represent over 20% of the entire workforce within the police. “Seeds of free and democratic education are planted by our constitution. It not only protects personal rights but instills transformative values in the populace,” Babu added.

G. Viswanathan’s Address on Financial Investment in Education

In his keynote address, G. Viswanathan, who founded and serves as chancellor at VIT, declared that the nationwide objective of attaining a one trillion dollar economy and a ten trillion dollar economy on a state level is hindered by inadequate educational funding, particularly for higher education. He expressed concern that research activities receive a bare minimum from governmental funds. The repercussion of such sparse financial support is evident in the quantity of patents recorded at a national level.

“The new Education Policy, advocating for education to represent six percent of the total GDP, was first proposed by the Kothari Commission in 1964. Six decades onward, this suggestion is still a matter of hot debate,” Viswanathan mentioned.

Attendance of Other Distinguished Guests

VIT’s vice presidents, Sankar Viswanathan and G.V. Selvam, and Prakash Chembai, vice president of Perficient India based in Chennai, were among those attending. In the earlier part of the day, with the commemoration of 75th Republic day, Mr. Viswanathan took the lead in hoisting the national flag within the campus.


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