Kaspersky Report Highlights the Growing Menace of Malevolent Insider Conduct in Corporate Settings

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The concept of the “ghost in the machine” has evolved from being a mere metaphor to a tangible and alarming threat to businesses worldwide. This disturbing revelation comes following a recent study conducted by Kaspersky, which highlighted a chilling statistic: within the past two years, 37% of businesses in India have experienced cyber incidents as a result of malicious insider threats. The gravity of such threats was underscored by a data breach at Tesla, where former employees leaked sensitive personal information of more than 75,000 individuals.

The Insider Threat: Unveiling Malicious Intent

The term “insider threats” encompasses both unintentional mistakes and intentional harmful actions committed by individuals within an organization. However, it is the latter that poses a particularly insidious danger. Equipped with an in-depth understanding of company processes and security systems, malicious insiders can cause damage in ways that are difficult to detect and combat. Motivations behind such actions may vary, ranging from financial gain to seeking revenge, and, in certain cases, even collaboration with external actors.

APAC: A Breeding Ground for Cyber Threats

As the Asia Pacific region rapidly embraces digitalization, it is also grappling with a surge in cyber threats. Kaspersky’s predictions for the APAC cyber threat landscape in 2024 include phishing attacks, scams, data breaches, and politically motivated cyberattacks. In this context, the menace of insider threats becomes particularly alarming, given their potential to bypass conventional security measures.

Strengthening the Digital Fortress

Successfully countering insider threats demands a multifaceted strategy. Kaspersky advises businesses to implement comprehensive security measures that encompass not only technological solutions but also address human factors. These measures include specialized training programs for all personnel, the adoption of advanced security solutions like Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum with Advanced Anomaly Control, and the imposition of restrictions on the use of personal devices and unsanctioned software as the first line of defense. Additionally, strict control over administrative rights and the implementation of security systems such as Kaspersky Security for Internet Gateway are essential to prevent unauthorized data transmission.
