Iraqi Officials Travel to Erbil in the Aftermath of Iranian Attack

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Under the express orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Iraq’s National Security Advisor, Qasim Al-Araji, embarked on a mission to Erbil with a high-level security delegation. The purpose was to assess the aftermath of the recent Iranian bombing that targeted the province, highlighting the seriousness with which the Iraqi government views this incident and its commitment to addressing the region’s security situation.

Iran’s Ballistic Missile Attack

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) initiated the conflict by launching ballistic missiles at supposed Israeli espionage centers in Erbil, Iraq, and ISIL targets in Syria. These attacks led to civilian casualties in Erbil, causing the death of at least four people and injuring six others. The Iraqi government, along with the United States, has condemned these attacks as an outright violation of sovereignty and security.

The Aftermath and Responses

The United States, while condemning the attack as ‘reckless and imprecise’, confirmed that no US personnel or facilities were targeted. The Kurdistan Region Security Council echoed these sentiments, adding that the attacks infringed upon their sovereignty. The President of Kurdistan Region clarified that the Region would not become a ‘source of threat’ to Iran.

Moreover, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard openly claimed responsibility for the strike on the U.S. Consulate in Erbil, which resulted in four deaths and six injuries. The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq has denounced the attacks, and a security meeting is due to be held regarding Iran’s violation of Iraqi territory and non-compliance with the security agreement.

Government Actions and Legal Procedures

The Iraqi government is poised to take legal actions in response to the attack, including lodging a complaint with the UN Security Council. They have assembled a committee, led by National Security Advisor Qasim Al-Araji, to investigate the incident and gather substantial information to back the government’s stance on the international level. The committee is also tasked with providing evidence and precise information about the incident.

In conclusion, the Iraqi government’s immediate response to the Iranian attack underscores the gravity of the situation. The government’s commitment to addressing this violation of sovereignty sends a clear message: such actions will not be tolerated, and all necessary steps will be taken to ensure the security and wellbeing of the Iraqi people.
