Insiders Receive Xbox Update Preview with Enhanced Thumbstick Calibration Capability

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Xbox Insiders Beta Ring to Receive Latest Update Preview

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Xbox Insiders in the Beta ring can look forward to receiving the newest Xbox Update Preview, which will bring a range of enhancements and fixes to their consoles. While these updates usually work quietly in the background to ensure a stable build for Xbox consoles, the release notes provide users with insight into the changes and improvements being made.

Thumbstick Calibration Tool: A Noteworthy Addition

One of the notable features in this update is the Thumbstick Calibration tool, specifically designed for the Xbox Wireless Controller and the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2. This tool is especially helpful for users in the US who have replaced their controller’s circuit board, as well as those worldwide who are dealing with minor thumbstick issues. With the Xbox Accessories App, calibration can be easily performed, offering a convenient solution to enhance gameplay.

Broad Spectrum of Fixes and Improvements

In addition to the calibration tool, this update tackles issues in the ‘Capture & Share’ category and provides general game and system enhancements to make the gaming experience more seamless. While all updates are important, some are more noticeable to users than others, and these changes fall into that category by directly impacting the user’s interaction with the system.

Known Issues and Reporting New Problems

Users are reminded of the current known issues that are being addressed and are encouraged to report any new problems they encounter using the ‘Report a Problem’ feature. For support and discussion, the Xbox Insider community subreddit is a valuable resource. Insiders are advised to check for existing threads on issues before creating new ones to optimize support.

The communication concludes by extending a warm welcome to new community members and encouraging everyone to follow the Xbox Insider Program on Twitter for future updates.


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