İHH Plans New Flotilla to Break Gaza Blockade, Challenges Israel and Egypt

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İHH Declares Intent to Break Israel’s Naval Blockade on Gaza

Bülent Yıldırım, leader of the Turkish humanitarian organization İHH, has recently expressed plans to challenge Israel’s maritime blockade on Gaza. This announcement was unveiled at an event held in Istanbul on the 17th of February. Yıldırım also sparked an appeal for monetary contributions towards purchasing vessels required for the planned mission.

International Effort to Challenge Blockade

The forthcoming fleet, organized in collaboration with extensive NGOs hailing from a global span of countries, is anticipated to launch by the conclusion of March, harking from European and Mediterranean points of departure. This global network of participating nations encompasses Canada, Malaysia, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, USA, Australia, and New Zealand, showcasing a worldwide resistance to the blockade.

Overcoming Egyptian and Gazan Entry Points

Yıldırım further underlined the mission’s objective to confront both the Egyptian and Gazan entry points by sea. This defiant stance is a throwback to a historic raid by Israel on the Mavi Marmara, with Yıldırım revealing a preparedness to stake everything for the cause.

İHH Known for Links to Radical Groups

The İHH, the agency spearheading this endeavor, has gained notoriety due to its affiliations to radical jihadist factions. The ultimate objective of this initiative is to penetrate the territories of Gaza and Jerusalem, specifically targeting the Al-Aqsa Mosque.


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