Employment Arena Transformation: 88% of Indian Workers Contemplating Career Shift in 2024, Unveils LinkedIn Poll

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A Shift in Professional Preferences in India

A recent report by LinkedIn reveals a notable shift in Indian professional behavior. The data indicates that by 2024, 88% of Indian professionals are likely to contemplate a job change, which is a 4% increase from the previous year. Motivated by a desire for enhanced work-life balance and elevated salaries, these changes uncover a shift in how Indian professionals view their careers. The report, released on January 17, signifies a drive for career advancement and greater productivity, as well as a notable increase of 9% in job search activity on LinkedIn in 2023.

A New Trend in Job Searching

The report highlights a growing willingness among Indian professionals to explore new career avenues beyond their current roles and industries. About 79% of professionals are ready to step outside of their comfort zones in search of new opportunities. However, aligning their skills with the job market proves to be a significant challenge for about 45% of professionals. The ever-evolving job requirements in an age dominated by AI developments are to blame. Indeed, LinkedIn’s report indicates a 30% evolution in job skills needed in India since 2015.

Adjusting to the Job Market

Job seeking can be a frustrating process, often met with little feedback from recruiters. However, challenges often spur innovation. Approximately 72% of professionals have modified their job searching strategies to better match the competitive market. These new tactics incorporate modern methods such as video resumes and digital CVs, with 81% of professionals viewing AI as a useful tool for enhancing job search efficiency. The data clearly illustrates how professionals are utilizing technology to adapt to the evolving job market.

Preparing for What’s To Come

Professionals are not only changing their job search methods, but they are also focusing on developing their personal brands and expanding their professional networks. They’re increasingly active on platforms like LinkedIn, emphasizing their skills and work experience. The ‘Jobs on the Rise’ list on LinkedIn – a measure of India’s fastest-growing roles – ranks the closing manager, influencer marketing specialist, and design specialist as top positions. Career Expert Nirajita Banerjee suggests that professionals enhance their profiles, highlight their skills, and keep up with industry trends to thrive in the increasingly competitive job market.


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