DSS Promotes Decorum and Legalities before Nigeria’s 2024 Polls

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Impending Election Reruns 2024: Plea for Civility and Rule of Law from DSS

Amid the upcoming reruns and bye-elections due in 2024 in Nigeria, our news source reports that the Department of State Services (DSS) has made a public appeal for responsible behavior and strict compliance with the law. The appeal, prompted by Dr. Peter Afunanya, the DSS’s Director of Public Relations and Strategic Communications, emphasizes the requirement for all concerned parties to be disciplined and abide by the electoral rules and regulations.

Importance of Maintaining Peace During Electoral Process

According to our sources, DSS has emphasized the importance of the national security and urged all candidates and political parties to showcase exemplary conduct during and after the voting process. The profound message from Dr. Afunanya focuses on the significance of considering the peace and stability of the nation over individual or group gains. The appeal doesn’t just extend to the involved parties but also public analysts, media platforms, civil society, and community-based organizations, to do their part in avoiding discord inducing actions or spreading of any untrue stories.

Strict Measures Against Disruptive Activities

The dire warning against any disruptive activities in DSS’s statement indicates zero tolerance towards such actions, irrespective of the status of the individuals involved. This stringent notice underlines DSS’s determination to uphold the law and preserve public order, showing a solid resolve to counteract any threats to the country’s stability.

A Collective Approach to Promote Secure Elections

The DSS has also provided assurance to collaborate with the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), other security and law enforcement agencies, and principal stakeholders to ensure a smooth, safe electoral course. Their commitment to preventive measures aims to uphold harmony in Nigeria and lay a foundation for a successful, peaceful electoral process that expresses the actual desire of the people.

  • The DSS appeals for discipline and lawful conduct ahead of 2024 reruns and bye-elections.
  • Participants including public commentators, media platforms, civil society, and community-based organizations are urged to avoid actions causing divisiveness.
  • Warning against disruptive activities in DSS’s statement shows zero tolerance irrespective of the individuals involved.
  • The DSS ensures a collective approach involving INEC and other agencies to ensure smooth, secure elections.
Elijah Muhammad