Delhi High Court Awaits Verdict on Mahua Moitra’s Plea Against ED’s Media Leaks

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The Enforcement Directorate Denies Leaking Investigation Details

The Directors Stand

The Enforcement Directorate (ED), in response to allegations, has clarified to the Delhi High Court that no press releases have been made by them regarding investigations against the Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader, Mahua Moitra. The Directorate denies having disclosed any information in relation to their probe under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). Information was obtained directly from our sources at ED.

Moitra’s Plea

In reaction to this, Mahua Moitra, has filed a plea with the high court. The plea seeks to halt the ED from disseminating any confidential or unverified information to the media about the ongoing investigation.

The Court’s Position

In the courtroom, presided over by Justice Prasad, the decision concerning Moitra’s plea has been put on hold. The court will not issue its ruling until the following day, making the situation quite tense.

The Enforcement Directorate’s Role

For those unaware, The Enforcement Directorate is a significant branch of the Indian authority, holding the powers to investigate economic or financial irregularities under the rules and policies of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). However, it’s crucial that these investigations are kept out of the public eye and are conducted privately to avoid influencing the progress unfairly.

What’s next

  • Handing down clarity to Moitra’s plea filed in Delhi High Court is currently the most immediate concern.
  • Whether the ED will receive any direction in the matter of sharing investigation details is also awaited anxiously.
  • The decision would set a precedent in similar concerns in the future and so the conclusion is most awaited

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Elijah Muhammad