Bosnian Activist Ajna Jusic Honored at White House with IWOC Award for Advocacy and Groundbreaking Legislation

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Bosnian Activist Ajna Jusic Honored with IWOC Award

Ajna Jusic Awarded Prestigious International Women of Courage Award

According to our trusted sources, it has been reported that the Bosnian activist, Ajna Jusic, recently received a high accolade at the White House, the International Women of Courage (IWOC) Award. The ceremony was hosted by none other than Secretary of State Antony Blinken and First Lady Jill Biden. Jusic, a distinguished psychologist and fervent feminist from Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has made remarkable strides in advocating for the rights of children born from wartime rape.

The Forgotten Children of War Association

In 2018, Jusic established a pioneering organization in the Western Balkans known as the Forgotten Children of War Association. This organization, the first of its kind in the region, holds the sole purpose of pushing forward the rights of children born out of wartime rape. This particular group of young individuals has been largely overlooked and marginalized, resulting in the need for advocacy to ensure that their rights are upheld and treated with equal importance.

Jusic’s Legislative Impact

In 2023, Jusic’ relentless efforts bore fruit in the form of a ground-breaking law that assured special rights and compensations for these individuals, now young adults. The law brought forth a wave of social protection and sought to alleviate years of undeserved stigmatization that these individuals had had to endure.

About IWOC Award

  • The IWOC Award, instituted in 2007, is a global tribute to women who demonstrate remarkable courage and leadership in advocating for peace, justice, human rights, and gender equality.
  • The award often recognizes those who have put themselves in harm’s way for the greater good.

Jusic’s Recognition and Her Role

Jusic’s recognition at this global platform underscores her status as a potent force for positive change in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Moreover, it is her unwavering hope that her recognition will foster continued advocacy for voices that have been marginalized, in Bosnia and beyond.

Elijah Muhammad