AYCF Condemns Okorie’s Note, Challenges Allegations Regarding APGA and INEC Leader

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AYCF Rejects Okorie’s Controversial Letter

New details are surfacing amidst a recent controversy sparked by a contentious letter written by Chief Chekwas Okorie, which the Arewa Youth Consultative Forum (AYCF) has publicly denounced. The forum has deemed the letter, which advocated for the resignation of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Chairman, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, as disseminating misinformation and filled with baseless allegations.

Questioning Okorie’s Authenticity

At the core of the dispute between the AYCF and Okorie is the latter’s self-characterization as the originator and initial national chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA). The AYCF tackled this claim by reminding the public that Okorie was expelled from APGA in 2005, undermining his assertions. The forum also pointed to the 2011 Supreme Court of Nigeria decision, which dismissed Okorie’s claim to the title, lending further credibility to the AYCF’s standpoint.

Rebutting Accusations Against Yakubu and Oye

Beyond the questioning of Okorie’s credibility, the forum also contested his accusation against Prof. Yakubu and Chief Victor Ike Oye of being in contempt of court. In its response, it was clarified that current appellate proceedings regarding the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory’s decisions in 2023 are ongoing. This fact highlights that the matter is not yet resolved, casting Okorie’s proclamations as premature and potentially misleading.

AYCF’s Request for Responsibility From the Public and Courts

In the light of these revelations, the AYCF has appealed to the public to rely on accurate and factual information, not sensationalized allegations. Moreover, they have also requested the court’s intervention in dealing with what they perceive as Okorie’s contemptuous behavior. According to the forum, such premature declarations, which are still under adjudication, are disruptive to the judicial process and need to be addressed correctly.

Elijah Muhammad