Audit Exposes Former Reg.5 REO’s Premature Drug Purchases, Sparking PAC Inquiry

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Former Regional Executive Officer Faces Scrutiny Over Procurement Irregularities

An issue involving Ovid Morrison, 2019’s Regional Executive Officer (REO) for Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice), has been a subject of discussion recently. As per reports from our trusted source, Morrison made purchases of medicinal drugs for the region way ahead of the commencement of the formal tender process.

Examination of Auditor General’s Report Uncovers Flaws

These irregularities came to light during an internal Public Accounts Committee (PAC) meeting. It was in this meeting, based on the analysis of the 2019 Auditor General’s report, that the discrepancies in the procurement system were highlighted. The report outlined 31 instances in which payments for medicinal supplies reaching a sum of $3.829M were made prior to the approved Requisition to Purchase (RTP) dates.

Discussion Within the Public Accounts Committee

These discoveries sparked animated discussions among the committee members which included notables like Public Works Minister Juan Edghill, along with other regional officials. The dialogue brought attention to a clear violation of the standard procurement protocols, indicating faults in the administrative processes in charge of the region’s medicinal drug purchases.

Despite concerted efforts to shed light on the reasoning behind these non-standard actions, the responses provided were inadequate and unclear. Ovid Morrison, the former REO implicated in the matter, relayed the responsibility for explanations to the then-Regional Health Officer (RHO), who did not partake in the meeting.

On the other hand, the Deputy Regional Executive Officer (DREO) Sherwyn Wellington stated his responsibilities were confined to aiding the signing of RTPs.

Cross-Party Criticizers Call for Deeper Investigation

  • Both government and opposition members part of the PAC voiced criticism regarding the situation, emphasizing the necessity for an extensive investigation into the discovered procedural breaches.
  • Many endorsed the view that the role of the REO and others in such procurement processes must be clearly defined and followed to prevent such discrepancies in the future.
  • There were also politicians who voiced the need for additional checks and norms to ensure the integrity of the procurement process and safeguard public funds.

Currently, the situation continues to be under PAC investigation with the hope of resolving the matter and ensuring the adherence to standard procedures in the future.


Meet Declan, an insightful author on ReaderWall specializing in Health. With a passion for promoting holistic well-being, Declan combines expertise in nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness to empower readers on their wellness journey. Explore Declan's engaging articles for expert advice and inspiration, fostering a healthier and happier lifestyle.